Saturday, June 30, 2012

Organized Cleaning

Does anyone else detest cleaning as much as I do?  Even though I hate it, the end result is always satisfying and pleasing to the eyes.  But, getting to that end point is always tough and somewhat of a challenge.

I'm always searching for new ways to clean (easier ways too if I can find it) and have found some pretty great ideas that have worked out fairly well so far.  I ran across this pin on Pinterest again today and thought I'd share with my readers.  It's something I've been following for a few months now and it's helped me out tremendously!  There are times where I'm better at following it than others, and I have revised it to fit my own schedule but it works and keeps me happy and to me, that's all that matters!

I revised the original list to fit my own needs.  I realized that it's pointless to vacuum the first day and dust the next (why would I want dust all over my clean floors?).  I also realize that sometimes it is impossible to get my chore of the day done, and that's okay.  I don't beat myself up over it, I just get it done the following week.     

I'll admit, I hate vacuuming and dusting.  Those chores are the worst.  When I was a kid, I would do anything to get out of doing either of those.  Now that I have my own place, there is no one but me to do them and they obviously they have to be done!  I may hate it, but it only takes fifteen minutes and I can deal with that.    

I also make sure to do my daily checklist.  These are the chores Chris and I share.  One thing I hate (more than shoes not put a dirty kitchen).  We've had bugs in our apartment before so I am super OCD about cleaning the kitchen counters and floors.  

Now, I will not claim that my house is always clean.  We have too many things and not enough space.  But, I try to keep things as tidy as I can and that's all I can do.  That, and pray that we find another place soon!  I'm pretty sure I'll go crazy if we bring anymore items into our house.

So, does anyone else have a good cleaning schedule they try to stick too?  Or have you tried and not been able to keep it up?  What works best for you?

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