Saturday, June 9, 2012

14/30: Strengths

{If you missed the beginning of the 30 Day Challenge you can find it here}

After feeling a bit down and out due to my weakness post, I'm going to take a few minutes and build my ego back up again.  :-)

Strengths.  Strengths.  What the heck are my strengths?!  And why is this post harder to write than my weakness post?  Chris gave me his list of my strengths last night but they were more skill (like writing and crafting) instead of personality.  My original plan was to have him write his post for me (how fun to have it from a husband's point of view!), but he wasn't following on what it was actually supposed to be about.  So...I guess I'll be taking a stab at it.  Here I go!

I'm an Optimist
Even though I have my "off" days, I stay pretty much positive all the time.  I get excited by the possibilities of something new and I always try to see the good in things.

Chris Says I'm an Awesome Planner and Organizer
Let me explain why I think this is a strength.  I love organization.  And planning.  And both of them together just make me incredibly happy.  It makes my life run much smoother and I am not the kind of person that enjoys chaos.  Structure all the way baby!  But...that doesn't mean I can't roll with the punches.  I can definitely adapt, but I do much better if I know things are going to work out according to my original plans.  (<---does this make me sound like a little bit of a control freak?!)

I'm a Good Listener
Yes, I do talk a lot but I'm also a really good listener.  I'm not just saying this to feel good about myself though...I've actually had a lot of friends confirm it!  I do tend to give my opinion (sorry...I'm a little assertive) but I also will be there even if someone needs a shoulder to cry on.  I just feel that you will always have better friendships that way.  :-)

I Am Extremely Outgoing
I guess I view this as a strength because I'm pretty good in social situations (I'm not trying to sound cocky, I swear!).  I'm able to bring people into the conversation who tend to be a little more shy and get them talking with a group.  I've also always been able to make friends in situations where I'm the outsider because of my openness.

I Like to Research Things Before I Talk About Them
Okay, so this may be a weird one.  Everyone knows that one person who just likes to spout out random information without doing any research about the topic and ends up sounding like an idiot.  Am I right?  Seriously, there is one in every group.  I have never wanted to be that person, so I always try to make sure I know at least a little bit about a topic before I start talking about it.  I also don't pretend to know everything so I am able to sit back and learn something from others when it's their time to speak.  Why is this a strength?  Because I am able to listen to others and value their opinions, while being able to add something to the conversation myself.  It's a win-win!

Sam and I in DC to see all the Christmas lights!  (2009)

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