Thursday, June 21, 2012

Date Night

Have you ever felt like you have way to much stuff?  Like it's taking over your house and there is not a whole lot you can do about it (especially if you live in a rental)?  I never felt that way until I moved in with Chris.  I always thought I had just enough but could have taken on a few more things if I needed to.  Well, once Chris and I merged our lives (and belongings) together, we realized that we have way to much to store in our 1,400 sf. apartment.  Which is why I keep saying we need to move.  But, for now, I have to live with what we have.  And right now, because we don't have much storage space, things are taking over our house.  Like, before today you could not even see where our kitchen table was because my craft supplies were all over it.  *sigh*

One kind of cool thing I've found since living in the apartment is that I'm always finding stuff I forgot we had.  I have books and movies and many other things that end up getting buried that I dig up later once I begin to organize a section of our house.  It's a never ending cycle, but I love it.  One thing I found today was a book Chris's grandparents gave us after we got married.  It talks about how to put God first in your marriage and what we can do and accomplish (as a couple) when we work together with HIM.  It's a really great book and I'm so glad I found it (especially since I've been looking for it for a while).  One chapter I read today talked about having a date night once a month with your husband (or wife).  You need to have that time together to reconnect and rediscover each other.  You continually grow and while people typically grow apart, a great way to stay connected is through spending alone time with your partner.  You don't have to do this every week (they suggest at least once a month), you decide how much is enough for you.  

I've been seeing a lot of lists on Pinterest lately about connecting with your partner and what to do on date nights.  I even made my own board about it so I could pull up any article at any given moment.  I like the idea of having an at home date night which should cost me nothing.  I'm all about using what I have at home to have a fun night with Chris.  Lately, we've been building legos (my husband loves his legos!) which has been a lot of fun.  It's a way for us to work together and we feel accomplished once we're finished.  We like to do the really complicated buildings, like the one in the picture below. 

Since Chris and I have been building away lately, I want to do something a little different for a date night tomorrow.  
By the way, Chris has no idea that we're having a date night...I'll be informing him once he gets home.  ha!
I think what I'll do is ask him to plan one part of it and I'll plan the other.  The only rules are that absolutely no tv is involved and we can't spend any money.  I want something where our attention will be completely focused on the other person.  I also want to plan something that requires us to use what we have at home.  It'll be interesting and fun to see what he comes up with and whether or not we enjoy the activities.  

I'll post an update on Monday to let you all know how it goes.  I'm hoping it's a success and that we can make date night into a monthly thing!  

**If you'd like some ideas on what to do with your partner click on the links below**
77 Date Night Ideas from Stay at Home Suzie
50 Fun Date Night Ideas from Six Sisters' Stuff


  1. I, too, married a 10 year old who loves his Legos, and wants to know where you got that set, or did you free build it? (He saw it, then we had to spend 20 minutes looking at the Lego website at everything new, and requesting a new catalog)

    I also told him about "date night", and something the guy could plan at home involving no money or TV ... yeah .... I'm sure you can guess his suggestion, lol. Typical man.

  2. We actually bought the set at the Lego Store in Disney, but it's called Town Hall! It's kind of an expensive hobby so we only get a new building every six months or so but Chris likes it and I guess that's all that matters. :-)

    They actually have a bunch of buildings that hook up together that make a street. Besides Town Hall we also have the Fire station and are looking for more to complete our set. They bring new ones in fairly often and retire the older ones pretty quickly.

    Chris won't tell me what his plans are for "date night." He's trying to keep it a secret but I have a feeling that he has the same idea as John... haha
