Friday, August 10, 2012

Magic in the Kitchen

Yesterday I had the brilliant idea to re-do our kitchen.  I say brilliant because my husband is actually okay with the idea, and I feel as though that is a big accomplishment in itself.  Usually he's only all for it if I don't spend any money, but this project cost me under $15 and I think he was pretty happy with that number.

Those who follow me on Pinterest already know that I love Disney.  Heck, you can even search through this blog and find that out!  The great thing is my husband loves it too.  We used to watch Hannah Montana together (we're not ashamed to admit it!), Wizards of Waverly Place, Sunny with a Chance, etc.  It's disappointing that all the good shows are off air, but thanks to Netflix we can still watch some of our faves!

So, when I went to Chris yesterday and said I wanted to do a Disney themed kitchen, he didn't hesitate to say what a great idea that was!  While he was at work I dove into Pinterest and began to look for ideas, and while I found a lot of utensils, dishes, and other accessories I couldn't really find what I was looking for.  I want a Disney kitchen but I don't want to over-do it which is what a lot of people (in my opinion) have done.

When we registered for wedding gifts I decided that I wanted a red/yellow/black/and white kitchen. Maybe I was subconsciously channeling my inner Disney goddess (haha) because those are all great colors to use for a Disney themed kitchen!   So imagine my excitement when I realized I didn't have to spend a ton of money on new towels, oven mitts, a tea kettle, rugs, etc!  I can just add a little Disney magic here and there until I'm satisfied.

In our apartment kitchen we have a lot of space between the top of the cabinets and the ceiling.  I had always thought I wanted a Tuscan themed kitchen so I went to the Dollar Store and bought fake grapes and vines, used old Christmas lights, and put our wine/other alcohol bottles on top to give it that Italian feel.  I haven't liked it for a while (we don't drink a lot and the tops of the cabinets make us look like alcoholics) and felt like it needed a change.

I need a new camera...sorry for the bad pictures!

Insert Disney Printables.

What better way to start decoration my kitchen than with cute Disney quotes about food?  I searched google for at least two hours trying to find quotes from movies other than Ratatouille and had absolutely no luck.  It wasn't until I took my search to Facebook that I was able to find quotes that would work from my friends!  And I am ashamed to admit that the first one that popped in my head was not from my favorite Disney movie (Beauty and the Beast).

Next, I bought tabletop frames from Michael's to put my pictures in.  The frames were such a steal that I couldn't believe I walked out the store with them.  They're a little cheap but since they're going on top of my kitchen cabinets I wasn't too worried about it.
My beautiful artwork!  I'm in love!
And now for the total cost of this project:
Disney Printables: $1.23 for three 5x7 prints from Costco 
Picture Frames:  $0.50 for three 8x10 frames from Michael's
Designer Mats: $3.99 for three 5x7 mats from Michael's
Total:  $14.70

Not too bad for a quick and easy project!  I am so happy with the end result and Chris likes them too which is an added bonus!

The temporary solution is to put them on books to give the frames some height. I'll change that out soon!
**Side Note:  The printables are on my google site for you to download and I will be adding more later on!  They're all high resolution so you should have no problem printing a big print!**   

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