Saturday, November 3, 2012

Just Some Food For Thought

Dear political activist,

I'm sorry, but I think it is time I said something.  I have sat idly by and read your political rants day after day without saying a word (except to my husband, he gets earfuls).  I can no longer pretend I don't see your ignorant posts, or you hateful commentary when it comes to this election because what you say hits close to home.  So close in fact, that I feel like you are directly speaking to me.

I know that there has been a lot of heat between Democrats and Republicans lately.  I watch the news and know how ugly it can get.  I also understand that the two parties will never see eye to eye on most of the major issues.  But that is the beauty of being an American.  We are all allowed to have differing opinions and ideals because of a little thing called the Revolutionary War.  But when your difference of opinions are used to belittle and condemn a political party you are not a part of, it makes you look ignorant.  It does not make the party you are talking about look bad, but it does make you look like a fool.

There will always be someone who is rude, ignorant, arrogant, or a racist no matter what party you affiliate yourself with.  Those characteristics are not found in just one group, but rather intertwined within the entire population.  You cannot control what another person decides to say or do, but you can control those actions in yourself.  Next time you decide to call an entire group racist, take a step back and think.  Don't throw those hateful words around just because you think it's cute or funny to say.  By using hateful rhetoric, you are making yourself look just as ignorant as the people you have decided to "call out".

I may not be able to control what you say or do, but I can call you out on what you have done.  You may think you are part of the solution, but instead you are part of the problem.  No one has ever been able to solve anything with bullying, name calling, or racial profiling.  I like to believe we are all trying to work towards one common goal, even if the way to get there differs depending on with whom you speak.

While we are American's and do have the right and privilege to speak our minds without consequences, there is never a time or place to be hateful or rude.  Just because one person is a racist does not mean everyone in their affiliated party is.

There are only a few more days until this election (thank goodness) and if the person you are not voting for is elected, you will have to live with all the hateful things you have said as of late.  Is that really what you want to be remembered for?  Do you want to be judged by all of the hateful things you have said?  Because by judging others, you are opening the door for them to judge you.

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged.  Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned.  Forgive, and you will be forgiven."
Luke 6:37

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